Agoria's Web3 Art at Musée d'Orsay: Bridging Digital Innovation and Traditional Masterpieces

Agoria, also known as Sébastien Devaud, a notable figure in the digital art and international electronic music scenes, has been invited to provide his perspective on Musée d’Orsay, its architecture, and masterpieces, within the context of the Web3 revolution.

Agoria is recognized for his involvement in the emerging Web3 world, particularly in the domain of biological generative art. This involves the use of algorithms, artificial intelligence, and data from the living world. Collaborating with scientists, he aims to merge art, music, the Metaverse, and science, utilizing blockchain technology.

The invitation, titled "{Le code d’Orsay}," features two works by Agoria at the museum, developed on the Tezos blockchain. The first, "Σ Lumina," is described as having a participative and experimental dimension, while the second involves an interpretation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae of Gustave Courbet's "The Painter's Studio," connecting art and science.

Additionally, Agoria has composed a musical piece in tribute to Musée d’Orsay, previewing on February 13 and fully revealed during a DJ Set in the museum’s nave on February 23.

Σ LUMINA: Exploring the Intersection of Art and Technology

Situated in the Cabinet d'architecture on Level 0 - Espace Paris, Agoria and artist Johan Lescure present "{Σ Lumina}" – a sculpture serving as a portal to digital works. Visitors play a role in the creation process through their breath, activating digital pieces accessible via a QR code. These works, derived from selected masterpieces, can be experienced by scanning the QR code and blowing on the phone's microphone. The creations exist on the Tezos blockchain, allowing visitors to mint them as NFTs through the Web3 process of "live minting."

Agoria and Johan Lescure plan to create additional works inspired by visitor-generated pieces, with proceeds from their sale benefiting the museum.

Interpretation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Bio-Art Exploration

In collaboration with scientists Nicolas Desprat, Jean-Baptiste Boulé, Manuel Théry, Julien Mozziconacci, Agoria presents an "Interpretation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae" of Gustave Courbet's "The Painter's Studio." Located in Salle 7 on Level 0, this digital work explores themes of memory and transmission through the biological generative art process. The yeast's cultivation conditions replicate significant historical events during Courbet's life, animating the painter's studio in a digital representation.

The project involves notable figures in the scientific community, including Nicolas Desprat, Jean-Baptiste Boulé, Manuel Théry, Julien Mozziconacci, and Agoria.

Curatorship and Overview

Curated by Christophe Leribault, President of Musée d’Orsay, and Virginie Donzeaud, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, this artistic endeavor at Musée d'Orsay aims to explore the convergence of artistic expression, digital innovation, and scientific exploration without the use of descriptive language.

Editor’s note: This article was written by Jonathan Gasca in collaboration with OpenAI’s GPT-3.5.


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